Looking for cheap and easy Mother’s Day gifts? Are you wondering what to get your mom for Mother’s day this year? Don’t get her something, MAKE her something instead!
If you really want to save some money this year, but still give your mom something she will love, then you will love these 3 cheap and easy Mother’s Day gifts!
Hang on, I’m going to show you three very cheap and easy Mother’s Day gifts your mom is sure to love – plus they won’t break the bank! And, you can easily make them with stuff you already have (hopefully)!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, 3 Cheap and Easy Mother’s Day Gifts, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

Make Mother’s Day Special
Mother’s Day is a lovely day, and my thankfully my family always tries to make the day extra special for me. Which is awesome!

I also like to make it special for my mom and my mother-in-law. Each year, I try to come up with something fun, frugal, and unique to give them. There are years when our budget allows us to splurge, but more often, money is tight and although I’d love to have unlimited funds to spend on my mom, I usually don’t.
You probably know how I feel, right? Being a stay at home mom doesn’t pay the bills, so affording extravagant Mother’s Day gifts is just not in the budget.
Even though I can’t afford a luxe Mother’s Day gift, I still want to go out of my way to make Mother’s Day special for the moms in my life. The only answer was to look around the house and try to come up with something neat from stuff I already had on hand, and that’s how I came up with these 3 cheap and easy Mother’s Day gifts.
Cheap and Easy, But Not Stingy
I realize you don’t live at my house with me, so you most likely won’t have all the same stuff I do lying around your house. If you don’t have the list of supplies included with each gift idea, not to worry! The supplies needed to create these 3 cheap and easy Mother’s Day gifts are not expensive and to make it simple for you, I’ve included links to buy them right now!
3 Easy Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
I’ve come up with 3 cheap and easy Mother’s Day gift ideas that any mom will love! Especially if your mom loves chocolate and flowers! All three of these ideas are quick to make and won’t cost a lot.
Mother’s Day Gift Idea #1

Mom’s Emergency Candy Stash
I came up with this idea of Mom’s Emergency Candy Stash because we spent the whole morning cleaning and organizing my kitchen. We moved a bunch of our baking supplies to their own cabinet and discovered we had two piping bag tip organizers, which meant we could get rid of one of them.
I got to thinking that this little plastic organizer would be prefect for candy and the idea for Mom’s Emergency Candy Stash was born! I don’t know about you, but I would personally love this gift! It’s cute, simple to make, and such a fun gift to give! Plus, it’s simple to make!
Supplies Needed For Idea #1:

Alternative Supply Ideas:
If you can’t find a plastic organizer, consider using an egg carton, or a big plastic tupperware container that you could separate into sections using smaller tupperware containers inside of it.
Find Discount Candy
I’d suggest picking candy that is small like M & M’s, Skittles, etc. Just make sure you pick candy your mom likes, and that will fit inside your container. I used a bunch of clearance Easter candy I found at the store right after Easter and the best part about the candy I found is that the colors were very lovely – very spring looking – which is prefect for Mother’s Day!
Rather than buy candy, save the money and use up any extra Easter candy you have at home too! I used Hershey Kisses, Starburst Bites, Twix bars, Skittles and M & M’s.
After you have all your candy arranged in your container, make a cute little tag for the front that says, Mom’s Emergency Candy Stash. Or you can personalize it with your mom’s name. You can have your kids help you make a tag or you can use the one I made! Click here to get your Mother’s Day Tag now.
If the special mom in your life has a sweet tooth, she will love this! I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Snap a photo and tag me on Instagram or upload to the Frugal Fun Mom Facebook page so the rest of us can see what you came up with!
Mother’s Day Gift Idea #2
Hugs & Kisses

Another super cute idea is to use any of the leftover Hershey Kisses or Hershey Hugs to make a jar of hugs and kisses! You only need a few supplies and you are set. This cheap and easy Mother’s Day gift idea only takes a few minutes to put together and I’m hoping you already have the supplies!

Supplies Needed:
See, I told you that you wouldn’t need very much for this, and it makes an adorable little gift! All you have to do is fill the jar with hugs and kisses candy and add a tag that says, Mom, You Deserve Hugs & Kisses!
Tips to Save Even More Money
Make sure to look in the clearance bins at the grocery store, because you might be able to find pretty candy on sale from Easter, and you will be saving a lot of money in the process!
Double your savings by also using any coupons you can find, and by checking your ibotta app for any extra deals on top of what you can find at the store. After you get home from shopping, make sure to scan your receipts into Fetch Rewards (and use the referral code U1BBA to earn 2,000 points after you sign up) and also earn points for gift cards!
New To ibotta and Fetch Rewards? If you don’t use them yet, you should! Read this post, 4 Must-Have Apps That Save and Pay You Money, to find out more info on ibotta and Fetch Rewards, plus 2 other apps I love, that help you make sure you are earning and saving as much money as you can every time you shop.
If you don’t already have a jar lying around, ask a neighbor, or head to Goodwill or a thrift store. They usually have some single jars on the shelves for a big discount. You can use any size of jar, just make sure you have enough candy for it!
See, I told you this idea would be super easy!
Mother’s Day Gift Idea #3
Homegrown Flowers

Another cheap and easy Mother’s Day gift idea is flowers! What mom doesn’t love flowers? I know I sure do! In fact, every Mother’s Day for the last 14 years we have made a trip to Home Depot to buy flowers on Mother’s Day. It’s tradition.
I don’t have a green thumb, but I do try, and I love potted flowers for the front door of my house. The tradition of picking out flowers with the kids every Mother’s Day is very special to me!
Start With Seeds
Because I love flowers so much, I would love to receive potted flowers from my kids, and it’s even more special when they have been homegrown by my kids from seeds! A recent project we did this spring for fun, has been to plant a bunch of seeds in egg cartons and watch them grow.
You can read more about how we did this if you want to do it too by reading this post: Grow Seeds Indoors With Kids – Save On Flowers! It’s been really fun to watch over the seeds! We planted a bunch, and as I was thinking about what else I could give my mom for Mother’s Day, I remembered all our seedlings!
Flowers From Seeds!
I’ve got a lot of little pots lying around in my storage room from plants that I’ve tried to grow in the past that didn’t survive (see, I told you I didn’t have a green thumb), so I just snagged one of the really cute pots and added a bunch of potting soil to it.

We then transferred a few of our homegrown seedlings and potted them along with the egg cartons, to the pot and there you have it! Flowers for mom that you grew from seeds!
I don’t know about you, but I would love a gift like this that took many weeks to grow and nurture. We are excited to give this potted plant to my mom – I know she’ll love it because of the all the time and care it took to grow!
Supplies Needed:
- Small pot
- Potting Soil
- Flower Seeds or Seedlings that have sprouted
Almost Mother’s Day?
If it’s almost Mother’s Day and you are scrambling to put together a gift fast, it’s totally ok to just plant the seeds! Save the seed packet and share with your mom what type of seeds you planted. She will love watching the seeds grow and sprout over the next few weeks! Plus, she’ll love that you gave her such a thoughtful gift!

Maybe you are a few months or even weeks ahead of Mother’s Day and have time to plant your own seeds and get them growing good before you transfer them over to a pot. If you have the time, then go for it! You can read all about how we planted seeds at home, and I can tell you it’s working great!
Vegetable Seeds Instead?
In fact, maybe your mom would love a vegetable plant instead of flowers? If she would, then plant those seeds instead! Whatever you do, I’m sure she will love it! I’ve heard that tomato plants work great starting as seeds indoors.
There you have it, 3 cheap and easy Mother’s Day gift ideas that I know your mom will love!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, 3 Cheap and Easy Mother’s Day Gifts, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

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