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Looking for frugal free fun for kids that you can do all year long? Especially frugal free fun ideas you can do with your kids? Then you have come to the right place! Here at Frugal Fun Mom, we love to give you lots of frugal free fun ways you can enjoy your kids and create lasting memories without breaking the bank!
I’m always looking for fun things to do with my kids that don’t cost a lot of money, plus it gets them off their digital devices (which I’m always happy about)! I’ve compiled a list of of my favorite ideas of frugal free fun for kids that you can do all year long. Most of my ideas, you can even do with them!
Looking for frugal free fun ideas to do with your kids? I've got you covered! Share on XWant to remember this post? Pin this post, 50 Ideas of Frugal Free Fun For Kids, to your favorite Pinterest board now!

Mom, I’m bored!
As a mom, don’t you hate when the kids have another day off of school or it’s the middle of the summer and your kids are home and are looking at you like they are bored? I don’t know about you, but there are only so many times you can tell your kids to go find something else to do.

When I have the time, I do love to spend it with my kids and I want nothing more than to get out and enjoy all sorts of fun things with them. Fun in my area is expensive. Which is super frustrating – because I’d love to be doing all the fun things that it seems like all the other moms are doing.
Fun Can Be Expensive
My local community has a lot to offer, but most things cost money, and some of them are pricey! If money grew on the trees in my backyard, we’d enjoy all that our community has to offer on a more consistent basis like, the indoor ninja gym, trampoline park, amusement park, the arcade, museums, swimming pools, playing at the local recreation center, and even going to the movies or bowling alley.

Because all of those things cost money, I decided to make a list of my favorites! My original list of 50 Frugal Free Fun Ideas for Kids was such a big hit, that I’ve revised it and made an Ultimate Guide To Frugal Fun For Kids, filled with 80 ideas of frugal fun things for kids to do all year long! For times when money is tight, but you still want to have fun with your kiddos!
Fun Can Also Be Free!
Great news – there are so many fun things you can still do with your kids that don’t cost that much! If you can get creative I’m sure you can come with many more than what I’ve come up with!
I’d love to know your favorite budget-friendly things to do with your kids – comment below and share with me and I’ll be sure to include it in a future post!
Here Are Just a Few Of My Ideas:
- Make Homemade Chalk
- Nature Scavenger Hike – make a list of all the animals you see.
- Color Walk – As you walk along, call out colors. When they find that color they stand on it. Example: Call out “green,” they find grass and stand on it.
- Ride bikes.
- Toy Swap – swap toys with a friend for a week.
- Fly a kite.
- Go to a pet store and look at all the pets.
- Bake cookies.
- Make Koolaid Playdough
- Have a Nerf gun fight, or set up your own targets!
The above list is just a few of my ideas in my Ultimate Guide To Frugal Fun For Kids – Grab your copy now!!

More Ways To Have Fun With Your Kids
If you are looking for even more ways to have fun with your kids, that won’t break the bank, I’m sure you’ll love these posts too:
- No Spend Weekend of Family Fun
- 5 Easy Crazy Hair Day Ideas for Girls – Any Mom Can Do!
- One & Only Theme That Fits ANY Kids Birthday Party!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, 50 Ideas of Frugal Free Fun For Kids, to your favorite Pinterest board now!

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