Be Well Rested – Frugal Friday Tip #14. It’s hard to make smart financial decisions when you are tired. It’s that simple.
Hands up, who can think clearly when they are exhausted? I know I can’t. When I’m drained, I make dumb decisions and end up frustrated later. You need sleep, so that you can be well rested, in order to make sure you get the best deals possible.
Let me give you a recent example. Recently, my family had the joy of going to Cirque Dreams Holidaze show. Now, this was a big deal for us because we don’t get to do stuff like this very often, usually fun things like this are just not in the budget.
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Save All Year Long For Christmas
Save all year long for Christmas! Share on XWe save all year long for Christmas. I’m serious. It’s a monthly budget item to save some money for Christmas. That way, when Christmas arrives, like it does every year, we have money saved to cover all the gifts and even a little extra for fun events. This year we went a little over the top and decided on a whim to go to Cirque with some friends.

Now, I’ll the be the first to tell you that you must think clearly when you are making a big purchase. Moms, I was tired on this specific day when we bought tickets. I was also super excited!
Don’t Make Hasty Decisions
We talked about going and then we met our friends for dinner and the next thing I knew, we were buying tickets all together from my phone in the restaurant! Again, I was tired. It had been a long day, and I just wanted to hurry and get the tickets before we were unable to get seats together.

Let me tell you, that was my first mistake. Because I was so tired, we paid full price for those tickets. For 5 people, it did add up! I didn’t use any of my smart money saving skills. I didn’t check for a coupon code or use a cash back site, or even think about trying to find a promo code. Which was so dumb of me! I was simply tired. Hear me, be well rested when you make big money decisions.
Find A Promo Code
I can tell you that the show was AMAZING! We had the BEST time, and I’m so glad we went! It will be a lovely memory for years and years to come! I can also tell you that my well rested mind was kicking myself during the show when I realized that I probably could’ve saved us some money on the fun. And I was right.
Find a promo code or a bogo offer! Share on XA couple days after the show I found out from a friend that there were a lot of promo codes, and buy one, get one free offers floating around for this specific show! What?! I knew it, I was just too tired to shop around!
Tips to Save When You Are Well Rested:
- Be well rested before you make any big shopping decisions.
- Don’t make a hasty decision.
- Give yourself time to shop around.
- Look for promo codes and coupon codes online.
- If a show is new to your area, most likely there will be a promo code to get people to come and check it out.
- Check your mail for coupons.
- Ask your friends and family, see if they have seen or heard about any discounts.
- Google is your best friend – search for coupon codes.
- Check with your favorite bloggers to see if they know of any discount codes.
- Ask the company if they have any coupons or discounts to check out their event. Especially if it’s a new event in the area – a lot of times they give discounts to get people to try it out.
Moms, learn from my mistake! Be well rested when making money decisions, so that you can enjoy your fun event and not kick yourself later!

Other Frugal Friday Tips:
- Double Dip Your Deal – Frugal Friday Tip #13
- Use Coupon Apps – Frugal Friday Tip #10
- Shop The Clearance Rack – Frugal Friday Tip #7

Photo by Tracey Hocking on Unsplash
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