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Wondering why you should pay your kids to read? Let me share a big secret with you – we pay our kids to read books every summer and I highly recommend that you do the same. Don’t miss these tips on how to encourage your kids to read more and why you should pay them to read books.
You might think I’m crazy, but in our house, during the summer, we do pay our kids to read books. Yep. I know you might be thinking that I’m crazy, I mean, why in the world would you pay your kids to read, when they should be reading anyways?
Right? I know. I was thinking the same thing too, but then it hit me, why not pay them? Especially during the summer months when we are not in school and have more time on our hands. In between birthday parties and fun holidays, there is lots of free time to read. Keep reading and I’ll share the whole idea, plus explain why you should pay your kids for reading too!

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Pay Your Kids To Read Books?
I know the idea of paying your kids to read sounds crazy, but we do it. I’m not even sure where the idea came from – but I do remember hearing about a dad who paid his young preteen son to read business books and only a few years later that boy had a thriving online business during his high school years that helped him pay his way through college.
The idea stuck in my head and now that I have kids who are preteens and high-schoolers planning to head off to college soon, a lot of idea are swimming in my head. I guess I feel like I only have a few years left to teach my kids all the things I want to teach them to be responsible and productive adults.
Why We Are Paying Our Kids To Read
As summer approached this year, we decided it was time to see how this crazy idea would work. We have decided to pay our kids to read books because we love what these books have to say and want our kids to be encouraged and motivated to read them.
All three of our kids love to earn money, but they all don’t love to read. Why not encourage their money-making efforts and also help their reading skills too? Plus, because we are paying for the books, we as the parents get to choose the books they read.
How Paying For Books Works
Here is the process we are using for this summer.
- Choose a set time limit. When you want your kids to read a specific set of books, choose a time limit they can get the reading done in. We like to do this in the summer. When they are out of school and have more time on their hands. We also already require our kids to read each day during the summer anyways, so why not pay them to read the books we want them read – right?
- Mom and dad choose the books. Mom and dad get to choose the books your kids read, especially if you are going to pay them. I like to choose books that focus on character traits I’d like my kids to adopt, or about money-making opportunities to help encourage them to think like an entrepreneur. Or I might choose a book about a social issue I’d like to them to fully understand.
- Extra Work Required. Every book our kids read, has extra work required in order to receive payment. We require a book summary and that they answer a few predetermined opinion-based questions as well. If they demonstrate that they read the book, understand the book, and how it can apply to their life, then they get paid.
- Set a price and stick to it. As parents, you get to pick the price you can pay per book. Whatever price you choose, stick to it. Make sure you don’t choose too much that they take advantage, or too little that it doesn’t encourage them to read the book at all.But, most importantly, whatever price you choose, stick to it and be good for it.
- Pay Quickly. If your child does the work, pay quickly. Being paid is the best thanks you can get for a job well done, so don’t deny that of your kids either. If your budget allows, consider pulling out the cash ahead of time and saving it for when they finish each book.
How Much Should You Pay Per Book?
I know what you are thinking, because it’s exactly what I would be thinking if I was reading this. How much should you pay your kids to read books? You may or may not like this answer, but I think it’s different for everyone.
Remember the first example I told you about where the dad paid his preteen son to read books? He paid his son $100 per book. I can’t do that same amount at this time of my life. Plus, I have 3 kids to think about that all want in on this idea. We have decided what works best of us is to do $50 per book.
Maybe someday we will up the price if our budget allows and we might also up the work required that goes along with it too.

Motivated Reader
I can tell you that $50 per book seemed to be just the right amount for our kids to get them motivated to start reading the six books we had chosen, because our youngest son was itching to get started as soon as we adjourned the family meeting.
He has a purchase he has been saving quite a few months for already that he only needs $100 more dollars for. He’s a highly motivated reader at this point. I’m not sure if he will still feel the same way when he has enough for his purchase. We will see if he still wants to keep reading after he earns enough for his purchase.
I’m not sure I expect any of my kids to read all 6 books this summer. I hope they do, but I’m expecting them to at least read a few of them. The offer will still stand to be paid to read all six books whenever they can find the time to.
How to Encourage Kids To Read
If you want to encourage your kids to read this summer instead of wasting their time in front of a screen, then not only would I suggest you pay them to read, but also make it hard for them not to read.
Meaning, don’t make it very easy for them to waste their time on screens. Keep them busy being productive and doing chores, exercising, serving in your community, and learning new hobbies. Then, if they want some spending money, suggest you pay them to read some books. They will most likely love that idea!
Books I’m Paying My Kids To Read This Summer
Here are the 6 books that I’m paying my kids to read this summer of 2022, and I’m paying them $50 per book. I’ll have a new list next summer I’m sure, and I’ll be sure to share it with you.
- Eat That Frog, by Brian Tracey
- Divided Nation, by Ken Ham
- Debt-Free Degree, by Anthony O’Neal
- Atomic Habits, by James Clear
- Everyday Millionaires, by Chris Hogan
- The Theft of America’s Soul, by Phil Robertson
Incentives For Younger Kids to Read
If your kids are younger, you can still implement a similar idea. Pick a few books that you specifically want them to read with you, and pay them either with money, or maybe a special treat when they finish the books with you.
For example, maybe there is a specific book you’d like them to read to encourage a character trait, and maybe it’s a book that is too hard for them to read themselves. You can make it a fun game where you create a chart and show a picture of the book. Then have checkboxes as you finish a chapter. At the end of all chapters is the picture of a reward – like ice cream.
Your chart can include as many books are you want, that you, as the parent choose. Maybe you can have your kids help you come up with the rewards to encourage better participation.
Then as your kids get older you can start paying them read to books that you want them to read. You never know what ideas will spark from the books your kids will read! 🤞

Pay Your Kids To Read Books
Well, that sums up the books you should pay your kids to read this summer of 2022. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes and how many books my kids read. Plus, next summer I’ll have another list of books for them to read and I’ll update you on if we have changed the price or if have decided to change anything about our process.
So, what do you think? Do you agree in paying your kids to read books? What books have you/would you pay your kids to read? Comment below and tell me – I’m always looking for suggestions!
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