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Looking for a cash system wallet? I was – and I’m so glad I found one that I love! Because I know you are always looking for ways to afford the stay at home mom life, if you don’t already use cash, you need to start – now!
Cash System Wallet
Using cash is one way to help you be as frugal as possible and having an amazing wallet to keep your cash organized is a must. Thankfully, I’ve found a beautiful cash system wallet that I’m sure you will love too!
The Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet is awesome, and in this post, I’m going to give you my completely honest review of their cash system wallet and why I think you need one too. Make sure to keep reading for an EXCLUSIVE Discount Code to get your own Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet!

Hang with me and I’ll share all the great features of this cash system wallet, why you should use cash to begin with, and provide a great coupon code to get your hands on your own Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet.
All this talk about cash wallets reminded me of my exclusive freebie, my Get It Free Checklist, that you need to check out!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post – Cash System Wallet Every Mom Needs, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

Why You Should Use Cash
Before I give you my completely honest review of the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet, let’s first talk about why you should use cash. First of all, I’ve followed Dave Ramsey for a long time – since I first got married. His Total Money Makeover book was the stepping stone for me and my husband to become debt free.
We were gifted his Financial Peace University class as a wedding gift and thankfully, even though we were very young, we went to the classes. I’m so glad we did, because we committed completely to the process and paid off over $90K in debt in our first year of marriage, becoming debt free, and we have vowed to stay debt free.
If you want to read more about how my husband I bought a car the Dave Ramsey way, read this post: How To Buy A Car The Dave Ramsey Way. Plus, you can see my cute green car I drove for 21 years (well, at least it used to be cute).
We Never Fight About Money
I’m more thankful that I realized I would be when we first took his classes, because now, many years later (18 years later in fact as I write this), as a married couple, we NEVER fight about money. We don’t have to, because we have a plan.
Financial Peace is a great system, and it’s become a foundation to our marriage. We both are extremely grateful to Dave Ramsey and to the wonderful older couple who gifted us the course. I can honestly say it changed our lives in such a profound way. The biggest lesson we learned from taking Financial Peace University is that Cash Is King.
Cash Is King
Using cash is how we stay on track and don’t overspend. When you use cash, you have something physical to hold on to, and it’s much more noticeable when you spend it – which helps you not overspend.
When the cash is gone, it’s gone. The key is to make sure when you spend all your cash, you stop spending. When the cash is gone, it’s gone. Simple as that.
Everyone Uses Cash Differently

Everyone uses their cash differently. If you already use cash for some of your monthly expenses, then you know that everyone has different things they use cash for, and different category names.
There is no right or wrong way to do it. Choose the things you spend money on the most, especially those things that you might be tempted to overspend on, and start using cash instead.
Find A Cash System You Like
Our family has many things we use cash for each month, and because we use cash for a lot of monthly expenses, I know what I’m talking about when it comes to needing a really nice cash system wallet.
Thankfully, the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet was just the thing I’ve been looking for to solve my cash problems. I’ve been using cash for my monthly expenses for 15+ years now. Think about that, that’s a long time. In all that time, I’ve never found a good system for my cash.
Cash Envelope System
Dave Ramsey recommends an envelope system – which I think is a great idea – but I’ve never really found a type of envelope system that I like. Envelopes tend to be bulky. The idea behind an envelope system is simply to separate out your cash in categories. Each envelope is a different category. Once the money for that envelope is gone, it’s gone.
Let’s say you have $25 in your Eating Out envelope for the month. Once you spend all $25 on eating out that month then you can’t eat out anymore, unless you are willing to use cash from a different envelope.
You can use cash for things like groceries, restaurants, gas, etc. You would simply budget out how much money you need for these items each month and place the cash inside separate labeled envelopes that you would carry around with you in your wallet.
Great idea in theory, but pretty bulky for an actual wallet.
Sticky Notes To the Rescue

For the last 10 years I’ve used sticky notes instead. Sticky notes! Yes, real fancy huh? I have always looked for a wallet with a big pocket for my cash. Each month after we had our Budget Committee Meeting, I would get cash out of the bank and label each fund with a sticky note. Then I would fold the sticky note over the cash and place that in pocket in my wallet for all my cash.
My sticky note system has worked, but it’s sort of a hot mess! There are so many times when I’m grocery shopping that I end up dropping my cash, because it’s not tucked into the sticky note very well. It’s pretty hilarious to see my grocery fund (which is my biggest fun of money) falling all over the place while I’m standing there with the grocery store checker.
On top of that, I feel ridiculous trying to count money when the bills get stuck to the sticky note. The sticky note system is broken for sure, but it’s the best I’ve come up with all these years – at least until now!
Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet
Meet Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet! I’m so excited to share this cash system wallet with you all! I’m absolutely in love with it, and for so many reasons! First of all, this cash system wallet is just that – an actual cash system! I’ve been searching for a real cash system for a long time and this is it! That in itself is awesome!
A system that functions, looks nice, and keeps me organized is exactly what I’m looking for! Plus, it encourages me to continue using cash and helps me stay right on track with my monthly budget. Sign me up!
Why I Love This Cash System Wallet
I’ll be honest, there are a bunch of reasons why I love this cash system wallet. Let me give you the quick highlights and then I’ll explain each in detail with photos of my actual Bella Taylor Cash Wallet.

- Deep Pockets
- Pen Holder
- Big Pocket For Coupons
- Pocket For Loose Change
- Labels + Make Your Own
- Wristlet
Deep Pockets

Let me tell you the two reasons why having deep pockets is a big deal – so you can count your cash and so you don’t zipper the money. The deep pockets in this wallet are sweet! Each pocket holds your cash deep enough that you don’t accidentally get your cash stuck in your zipper. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve done that with other wallets.
Also, the pockets are deep enough that you can count your money while you keep your money inside the pocket. This is a big deal because that way you don’t have to take a big wad of money out of your wallet to count the amount you need.
As I mentioned earlier, my grocery fund is my biggest fund of money that I carry around in my wallet. I’m always a little nervous to count this money in front of a lot of people – especially when I’m trying to peel the sticky note off the bills.
With the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet I no longer have any of these problems. I can easily count and grab only the bills that I need – without getting any of them stuck in the zipper!
Pen Holder

Having a pen holder might not be a big deal to you, but it sure is to me! In my old Coach wallet, which was really cute, there was not a place for a pen. I did try to stick a pen inside one of the pockets, but it always fell out. Don’t even get my started on how often I needed a pen and couldn’t find one.
Having a pen loose in my purse scares me. You too? I’ve always worried that I will lose the cap and the pen will start coloring all over the place. I love my purse and don’t want a bunch of pen marks on it.
I’ve even worried that the ink will explode and get all over my purse, so having a dedicated pen holder inside the wallet where I know it will be safe is a big deal to me!
Big Pocket For Coupons

Being a couponer means that I always have a stack of coupons I carry around with me. I’ve been carrying these around in an extra zippered pouch inside my purse for a long time.
The coupons that I’m talking about are ones for restaurants, stores, and all other non-grocery item coupons that I like to have on hand for when I’m out and about.
With the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet, I’m using a big pocket at the back of the cash divider for my coupons and I’m loving it! It’s a big pocket and it’s working out great for me to put all my coupons in it!
You could also use this pocket to carry a mini notebook for keeping track of grocery sale prices, or to write notes. Another idea for this big pocket would be to store your checkbook.
Pocket for Loose Change

I’ve carried a little sock coin purse in my purse for a long time. I can fit a lot of loose change in this coin purse and I don’t mind carrying it around, but I always seem to lose it at the bottom of my purse.
When a checker gives me my change from a recent purchase, it takes me forever to find my coin purse and then I realize I’m holding up the line. Now, with my Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet, I can quickly and easily put away my change because it’s all in one place.
Labels + Make Your Own
Labels make life better! Did you know that?! Trust me, my hubby got me a label maker for Christmas and I’m one happy girl because of it. 😊
Side Note: I love my label maker – if you want to see the one I use, check it out – Brother PTouch Label Maker.

Bella Taylor Cash System Wallets come with a standard set of labels so you can label your cash pockets – which is AWESOME!!!
The labels fit right inside the pocket of the wallet, so you don’t have to worry about anything sticking out and getting caught on a zipper. I would describe the labels and how they fit tucked inside the pocket as tidy and clean and that’s just how I like it!
The standard set of labels that come with this wallet are: Groceries, Gas, Babysitter, Restaurants, Entertainment, Savings, Utilities, Clothes, Household, Coupons.
If there is a different label you need, you can simply write it on the back of one of the provided labels, or you can get creative and use your label maker to make the category you need. Which is what I did.
These are the categories I use in my wallet: Groceries, Restaurants, Blow, Clothes, Crafts, Haircut. As you can see, I had to make a few of my own labels using my label maker, but it worked out great and I love how the labels keep my cash very well organized.
Another great thing about the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet is that is comes with a nice detachable wristlet strap to free up your hands while you are out and about. Such a nice added touch to make this cash wallet system even better on the go!

I’m not sure I’ll use this feature very often, because I’m scared I’ll lose my wallet, but I do think this is a great feature that would be helpful if I have to run in the library real quick and don’t want to bring my whole purse. I could easily find my library card and even pay any pesky overdue fees. Shhh..don’t tell anyone.
Cute Designs
Not only does the wallet function great, it comes in so many cute designs that are eye catching and fun! You know me, I’m all about fun and these designs are adorable! If classic is more your style, you can find that too! Shop Now to see all the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallets.
There you have it – my completely honest review of the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet. I love mine and recommend you get one too – especially if you are trying to save as much money as possible by using cash.
Use A Coupon Code To Get Yours Today!
Check out the Bella Taylor Cash System Wallet today and when you decide to buy one, you can use this exclusive coupon code to get 10% off any cash system wallet, just for Frugal Fun Mom readers!
Use FRUGALFUNMOMTEN to get 10% off today!
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