Are you looking for free fun ideas for kids? Do your kids whine and say, “Mom, I’m bored” all the time? Or do they constantly ask if they can play video games? Better yet, without even asking do you find that they are glued to some sort of screen?
You are not alone momma! My kids are just like yours! All three of my kids constantly want to play video games or watch tv. Most of the time they ask me if they can watch a show or play a video game, but there are times when I find them glued to their screens without even asking.
It drives me crazy.
If only there was a list of ideas of things they could do instead….
Why Not Get It Free Instead?
Before I jump to far into this post about free fun ideas for your kids, what about you? Mom, don’t you want to get stuff free too? Because I know you are always looking for ways to afford the stay at home mom life, I know you will love my exclusive freebie – Get it Free Checklist!
You need this checklist, and here’s why – this checklist is filled with 5 things you already pay for that you could get for FREE instead!
Being a stay at home mom, you need to get as many things free as you can – especially if you want to afford the stay at home mom life! Sign up below for my Get it Free Checklist!
[mailerlite_form form_id=20]Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Free Fun Ideas for Kids, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

If Only There Was a Guide
If only there was a list…or a guide of free fun things for kids to do…
It drives me crazy that my kids always want to be glued to their screens. It even makes me feel like a bad mom.
So, I get it.
My guess is that you understand, because your kids are just like mine.
Because I understand, I wanted to do something about it. Plus, I thought it might help you with your own kids.
Ultimate Guide To Frugal Fun For Kids!
I’ve created a must-have fun guide! Meet my Ultimate Guide To Frugal Fun For Kids! This printable guide is the prefect answer to the next time your kids say, “Mom, I’m bored!” Just point to the list. There are 80 ideas of fun things for your kids to do, all organized by season, for when all they really want to do is zone out in front of a screen.
This guide will keep your kids busy, having fun, and the best part, they won’t be glued to a screen!
Snag Your Ultimate Guide To Frugal Fun For Kids Now!
My hope is that this guide will be a tool to help you.
To help you help your kids. A list of ideas of fun things your kids can do when they are bored and just can’t come up with anything fun to do. Ultimate Guide to Frugal For Kids is designed to spark creativity and give your kids a key to open their imagination!
If you have not snagged your free copy, do it now! I’ll wait.
I pray this guide will help you give your kids the gift of fun! Many of the ideas are things you, as a mom, can do with them. Plus, many of the ideas they can do themselves so you can catch up on your own mom duties while they are out having fun!
If you have any questions about how to best use this guide, feel free to contact me.
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Free Fun Ideas For Kids – You Can Do All Year Long, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!