Time for a Christmas Stop Doing List. Now, before you think I’ve turned into a Scrooge, hear me out. Moms, during the holidays this year, I’m going to give you a challenge – create a Christmas Stop Doing List.
I’m sure a few of you might be thinking, “Katrina, what are you talking about?” I’m talking about taking back some of your sanity. Reclaiming some of your time. Sweeping out the chaos in your life and holding on to a little peace.
I’m talking about creating a list of things this Christmas that you will stop doing. I was introduced to this idea of calming Christmas chaos at my weekly Community Bible Study and thought I’d share my spin on the idea, because it really resonated with me!
Long Christmas To-Do List
Raise your hand if you are known to have a long to-do list. Now raise your hand higher if your Christmas to-do list is so long, that it makes you feel so overwhelmed that at times you want to cry? Me! Me! Do you see my hand up? I absolutely feel that way. That’s why, this year, I’m going to create a Christmas Stop Doing List.

What Is A Christmas Stop Doing List?
What is a Christmas Stop Doing List? I’m so glad you asked! The Christmas Stop Doing List is a list of to-do items that you will stop doing this year. Things that you might do, but don’t need to. To-do’s that you do just because you feel like you should, but don’t really enjoy.

Stuff that you do because you have done them for years and years. Things you do because you don’t want to tell someone “no.” To-do items you finish because you feel obligated to do them.
Stuff that you do because everyone else is doing them. Things you do that may enjoy, but when you add them all up with everything else, you know you need to give up something.
Those things. Those are the things I want you to put on your Christmas Stop Doing List.
What is a Christmas Stop Doing List? A list of all those things you do because you have done them for years and years. Things you do because you don't want to tell someone “no.” Share on XWant to remember this post? Pin this post, Make A Christmas Stop Doing List, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

It’s Ok To Say NO
Moms, it’s ok to say “no.” Did you know that? I’ll be the first to admit that I’m terrible at saying “no.” Just terrible, but when we never say no, we end up stretching ourselves so thin that we are not giving our best to those we love most. I’m terrible at saying “no” to others, as well as myself. Somehow, I think I can magically do it all, and by the time Christmas is over I’m totally worn out and grumpy.
Moms, it's ok to say to No! If you don't, you will stretch yourself too thin and not give your best to those you love most! Share on XThe Woman Who Really Needed A Stop Doing List
Let me tell you a little story about a woman who was over-committed during the holidays. Let’s just say her name is Katie. Katie loves Christmas! She loves to cook, bake, and decorate. Christmas is a flurry of glitter and shiny things!
Katie refuses to spend a lot of money on Christmas decorations, instead she saves money by making her own décor, which takes up a lot of time. While she’s very proud of all the glittery things she has makes, she’s usually exhausted and has made a very big mess!
Not Everyone Appreciates Your Baked Goods

Katie also loves to bake cookies for all her friends and family. In fact, her daughter usually joins her in the baking fun. She will spend a couple weekends baking all sorts of goodies for everyone she knows, and that amounts to a lot of work.
While she enjoys baking for everyone, it’s very time-consuming and she doesn’t really know if anyone appreciates that she bakes for them. I mean, after all, there are so many cookies, goodies, and treats everywhere during Christmas – how many plates of cookies can you really eat in one month? A lot – but let’s not go there.
Fun At Christmas Time Can Be Exhausting
Katie also loves to have fun with her family and do very meaningful things during the holiday season. She has an Advent calendar that is more of a house with little boxes. Inside each day of the month for December, Katie will hide a little slip of paper with fun things she can do with her kids, like:
- Bake Cookies
- Build a Gingerbread House
- Play a Game
- Make Ornaments
- Do a Christmas Craft
- Watch The Grinch and Bake Grinch Cookies
- Go Look at Christmas Light
Fun stuff like that. As you can see from the list above, not all fun things are simple, quick, and easy. Most take a lot of extra work and planning and in order to do them, mom must not be too tired. While Katie loves to do all these things, she’s often very tired from all her regular mom duties, and the extra Christmas parties and shopping that need to get done.
Overwhelmed With Too Many Things To Do

How is Katie doing so far? Does Katie sound anything like you? Are you overwhelmed this Christmas season, just thinking about everything you “have” to get done?
It comes at no surprise that we, as moms, are exhausted during Christmas. Why do we create so much work for ourselves during the Christmas season? Why do we do it? How come we add so many extra things?
I know that some of them are fun, but there are so many things that we keep doing, year after year, just because we did them the year before. Are you like me, and do you add something new to your list every year?

A few years ago, I got a free coupon from the grocery store for a Shutterfly wall calendar. I liked it so much, that I’ve been making myself one every year since. Just one more thing I’ve added to my to-do list for Christmas. When does it stop?
Don’t Be A Scrooge
Moms, my challenge to you this year – make a Christmas Stop Doing List. This list needs to include the things you are NOT going to do this year during Christmas. It can be anything you want, but, I challenge you to make a list with at least 3 things on it – 5 would be even better.
I’m not asking you to be a Scrooge – I’m asking you to give yourself a break. Share on XI’m not asking you to be a Scrooge – I’m asking you to give yourself a break. To take a breath. Pick a few that you and your family truly love doing, and simply say “no” to other things, so that you can enjoy the things, and people you love most.
For me, I can already tell you that I’ve started making my Christmas Stop Doing List, and with each thing I add to it, I’m already feeling a sense of relief.
Not A List Of Failures
One note of caution. Do not look at your list as ways you have failed. That is not what this list is for. You have not failed because you are choosing to say “no” to a few things.
You are choosing to be intentional about what you spend your time on. I know when I wrote my list, my first thought was – “why can’t you get your act together and get these things done?” – Can you see how hard on myself I am?
I’m sure you will be too, so DON’T BE. Promise me? Give yourself room to put a few things to the side. You can always consider taking them up again next year, if you find that you really miss them.
Want to know what’s on my Christmas Stop Doing List? I thought you might.
Katrina’s Christmas Stop Doing List
- Stop Doing the Christmas letter, taking the photo, printing, and mailing it to everyone we know.
- Stop Doing the yearly photo calendar from Shutterfly.
- Stop Doing so many crafts and fun things in the Advent Calendar (instead fill some of the days with verses and/or candy).

Those are the 3 things on my Christmas Stop Doing List so far. I’ll be honest, I’m sad about the first two.
I’ve always loved our yearly letter and photo that we send out to everyone, but the main reasons we are not doing it this year – time and expense. It’s expensive to mail them out, and we have noticed we don’t get very many cards ourselves.
We are considering sending a quick email and snapshot to our close friends and families – but honestly, with social media, most people keep up with our lives pretty well – no need to spend the money on a letter and photo.
Evaluate What Matters Most
I know making a Christmas Stop Doing List might be hard for you, but my hope is that you will truly evaluate all the things you do during Christmas and will consider if you need to keep doing it.
Go ahead mom, create that Christmas Stop Doing List right now! Then, let me know what you think. How does it make you feel?! Are you excited? Or Anxious about it? What’s on your Christmas Stop Doing List? Comment below and tell me all about it!
Don’t Forget To Have Some Fun Instead
Don’t forget to take time to have fun. Not everything at Christmas needs to be a production, or perfectly planned, or photo-worthy. Your kids can spill hot cocoa on their clothes and you can still take a family photo – you probably won’t be able to see the cocoa mess in the photo anyways!

Plus, take some time to enjoy some fun with your family – like playing games. The simple games that like BINGO that you can play over and over and over again, made by someone else where all you have to do it print it out.
And, if you grab my Christmas Party Bundle, you just have to print and play – no long hours searching on Pinterest for fun family Christmas games – just print and play!
I’m Here To Pray For You
Moms, because I know this time of year can be hard for so many reasons, I’d be honored to pray for you. Jump on over to my Prayer Page and feel free to share with me how I can be praying for you during this holiday season. Hugs!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Make A Christmas Stop Doing List, to your favorite Pinterest board right now!

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash and Photo by Євгенія Височина on Unsplash and Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash and Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
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