It’s time to make a mom brag list and celebrate your wins! How often do you look back at all that you have done and give yourself a pat on the back?
It’s so much easier to do that for our kids huh? Way to go Johnny! You scored a goal! Or, Way to go Sarah, you did an amazing job in the school play! Or better yet, Way to go Tommy, you cleaned your room!
I know I’m more inclined to look back and focus on all that I have not done. This year, I’m going to do just the opposite. I’m going to make a list of all the things I’ve accomplished despite how much opposition I faced, and I’m going to be proud of where I’m at, even if it’s not where I want to be!
And, I want you to do the same!

Make a Mom Brag List
Do you celebrate your wins? Will you make a Mom Brag List? You should! Are you more inclined to look forward with excitement and keep going? Or are you the type that beats yourself up for all the goals you did not meet? This is an important distinction to determine.
Katrina, which one are you? I’m so glad you asked. I’m somewhere in the middle. I have a strong will to keep going despite how hard it is, but I also tend to beat myself up for all that I have not done instead of being proud of all that I have accomplished.
Which is so silly.
Make a Mom Brag List and celebrate your wins! Share on XDon’t be like me. Instead, celebrate the small wins and the big ones! Tell people about them! Brag about them!
Mom, I challenge you to be proud of your accomplishments – no matter how big or small they may seem to you! As big as getting a new job or as small as the fact that you took a shower today. I mean it! I know this may sound crazy, but we need to take the time to celebrate everyday and develop a heart of gratitude and pride!
Want to remember this post? Pin this post, Make A Mom Brag List & Celebrate Your Wins, to your favorite Pinterest board now!

Being a Mom Is Hard
Being a mom is so hard. Which I know you understand. I have my days when things are great and I feel like a Mom Rock Star – but I also have many more days when being a mom is so hard I want to cry.

Some days are a roller coaster, and just when I think I have it together, my 8 year old decides he doesn’t like his mashed potatoes. He can be really honest too – and 8 year old honesty hurts.
Trust me, I understand how mom life can be rough.
Brag On Yourself
Because mom days can be so brutal, all the more reason to celebrate the wins! It’s time for you to brag on yourself! You are an amazing mom, you can do amazing things, and I’m so proud of you!
Share with me and the whole Frugal Fun Mom Community just how awesome you are! Lay it out there! I can’t wait to hear it! You deserve some praise and I’ll be the first to tell you, you are a GREAT mom!
You are a GREAT mom!!! Share on XIn the spirit of bragging, I’ll start – ok? Keep in mind, your brag list does not have to be only mom things, because, as we all know, moms have many facets. I’m not just a mom, I’m also a runner, business owner, blogger, etc.
Katrina’s 2019 Mom Brag List:
- I ran 559 miles this year so far with my pup – and I still have a couple weeks left!
- I started a blog from scratch.
- I’ve written 70 blog posts.
- I started a business.
- I survived 2 ER visits and an unexpected surgery.
- I watched my son have his first ambulance ride and I didn’t faint.
- I withstood the roller coaster ride of Epilepsy that my son deals with everyday.
- I did a lot of laundry and we had clean clothes most of the time.
- I mastered my crock pot, and we ate at home more than we ate out.
- I coached soccer two times and loved it!
- I brought coupons with me to the grocery every time I shopped, and used them 95% of the time.
- I never used grocery store or delivery services – I went inside the grocery store each week.
- I shopped around and tried to double dip my deals on every purchase I made.
- I helped out in my son’s classroom every week.
- I attended all band concerts for my son.
- I attended 98% of the soccer games all 3 of my kids had and took pictures!
Brag To Me!
Brag to me! Tell me all about your big accomplishments and even your small ones! If you are thinking, Katrina, no one cares about what I did this year… you are wrong! Yes we do! I know I do! We all do!
The Frugal Fun Mom Community is about loving and supporting each other as moms, and sharing our wins! Despite what you may think, I care and am proud of you!
After you comment below and tell me your Mom Brag List, I challenge you to put it on your Facebook feed, making sure to tag me @FrugalFunMom. You go momma! You put your brag list out there and share it!

Join The Frugal Fun Mom Community Now!
Ready to join me and bunch of other moms just like you? We’d love to have you be a part of the Frugal Fun Mom Community! Sign up below to my VIP Subscriber List and as my free gift to you, I’ll send you 50 Frugal Free Fun Ideas for Kids – a handy printable you can hang right on your fridge for those times when you kids say, “Mom, I’m bored!”
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