Don’t worry, Pray!
Pocket prayer rock is a great way to calm the heart of a worried child. Do you have an anxious kid who could use something small to fidget with when they are feeling extra worried or uneasy?
A pocket prayer rock can be stashed in a child’s pocket during the day. Just a little something to remind them that God is with them all day, and that they can pray whenever they are feeling worried.
Keep reading and I’ll show you how to make a pocket prayer rock for any anxious child you might have. But, before I do, snag your free step-by-step printable instructions on how to make a Pocket Prayer Rock right now! I made a printable version because I think it’s a lot easier to have a printable to refer to when I’m crafting with my kids, instead of having to constantly refer to my phone.
Sign up below and I’ll send the instructions right to you!

Want to remember this post? Post this Pocket Prayer Rock For Anxious Kids to your favorite Pinterest board!

Personally, I have three anxious kids this morning and I gave each of them a pocket prayer rock with one of my favorite verses written on it to remind them to worry less and instead pray.
Today is the first day of school for my kiddos and that came with a lot of tears this morning. In fact, the tears, excitement and anxiousness started last night when we got home from “Back To School Night.” Each of my kids handles the first day jitters differently.
Teach Your Kids To Pray When They Are Anxious
My youngest got the teacher I was hoping for and while I’m super excited he got this teacher, he’s not nearly as excited about it as I am. In fact, he was downright worried that it was going to be a horrible year. Yep, he’s the dramatic kid in the family (much like his mom).
So, take a guess what we did about it? We prayed. Yep. Prayed. He got to pour out his heart to Jesus about why he was worried the year was going to be horrible (which was mostly because he knows this new teacher is much stricter than he wants her to be).
By the time he went to bed, he felt a lot better and was kind of looking forward to his first day today (I saw a little smile on his face – even though he was trying hard to hide it).
My daughter had a whole different take on the first day. She dissolved into tears last night when she was getting in bed because she’s worried about her big brother, not because of her actual first day at school.
Pray When Life Doesn’t Go As Expected

You see, this summer, my oldest son was diagnosed with Epilepsy. His diagnosis has rocked our world. In fact, I’m not even sure how to write about it yet. I’m still trying to process it and learn how to live each day. I never saw it coming and I think I’m still in denial.
Needless to say, his diagnosis has affected all of us in totally different ways. My daughter is a very tenderhearted child who loves people deeply. She’s had a really hard time watching her brother deal with this new reality.
She worries about him often and was very worried for him last night. As a loving sister, she just wants him to get through the day without a seizure and to feel normal – like all the other kids at school.
She wants him to be safe and cared for, and I know deep down she wishes she could be with him all day in case he needs her. She’s a helper – it’s just who she is.
Why Not Get Easy Printable Instructions?
Now, before we move on, make sure you snag my FREE step-by-step printable instructions on how to make a Pocket Prayer Rock.
Just click the red button below and I’ll email them right to you!

I always think it’s easier to do crafty stuff when I have a nice printable instead of trying to refer to my phone.
And yes, you read that right – these easy to use instructions are FREE!
Pray When You Don’t Know What Else To Do
My oldest is just having a hard time in life right now. He just turned 13 and while he deals with the regular adolescent hormones he now has to learn to live with Epilepsy. Talk about not feeling in control – him and I both struggle with this.
I hate the unknown and all that comes with his diagnosis. He’s just struggling to get through each day without feeling dizzy or angry. He was feeling very unsure of himself this morning while he tried to get ready for school. We are both learning to pray when we don’t know what else to do. God is always there. Our current circumstances are not a surprise to Him, so we pray.
He is the kid that sets his alarm to get himself up early for school because he doesn’t want to be late. He is also the child that used to wear two watches to school to make sure he was on time.
Today he was pacing all over the place worried he would do something silly at school, or get mad at someone (a lovely side effect of his Epilepsy medicine), or that he might have a seizure at school.
Trust In God Instead of Worrying

Talk about a lot to juggle on the first day of 8th grade, especially when most kids are just hoping they don’t lose their bus pass, and that they find a friend to sit with at lunch. He has always been a worrier, but he’s learning to trust in God more each day.
Three years ago when he left for Outdoor Ed with his 5th grade class I made him a pocket prayer rock to fidget with when he started to worry. The rock simply had these words on it: “Don’t worry! Instead of worry, PRAY!” – Philippians 4:6
It was small enough to fit in his pocket and was a gentle reminder all day long that Jesus wants us to cast our worry and doubts on Him! He still has this rock and he made sure to take it with him to school today.
Pocket Prayer Rock Is A Gentle Reminder
Because all three of my kids were a jumble of emotions this morning, I made the youngest two a pocket prayer rock as well. They both seemed to love the idea and I pray it gives them a sense of peace today as they go about their day.
I’ll be praying all day today that the pocket prayer rock is a gentle reminder of what they can do when they start to feel anxious, scared, homesick, or just worried. I can’t wait to hear how the day went for each of them. In fact, my prayer is that they will share the rock with their friends and will offer to pray for them if they are having a hard day.
It’s a simple craft that will only take a few minutes to make and will remind your kids of God’s Word and how He can displace the worry in life when we cast our cares on Him.
Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. — Philippians 4:6 (MSG)

How To Make a Pocket Prayer Rock
Sign up below for step-by-step printable instructions on how to make a Pocket Prayer Rock. It’s a frugal fun craft that only takes a few minutes to make!
[mailerlite_form form_id=5]I can’t wait to see how your Pocket Prayer Rock turns out! I’d love to see it – feel free to post it on Instagram and tag me, @FrugalFunMom or my Facebook wall!
Want to remember this post? Post this Pocket Prayer Rock For Anxious Kids to your favorite Pinterest board!

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