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I know the real reason why you don’t achieve your goals. I also know how to fix it. If you are anything like me, you may be looking back at last year and are quickly realizing that you didn’t even come close to achieving all the goals you set.
Even if they were goals you sort of set. I mean, goals you didn’t really write down, but were still secretly hoping to achieve. All those goals. The ones you didn’t want anyone to know you longed to achieve.
Before I tackle this topic of goals, let me outline a few things. I’m going to share the real reason why you don’t achieve your goals and I’m also going to share with you how you can fix it and start achieving your goals – right now.

Just Send Me My Free Printable Quote
I know you might be looking back at last year and realizing that you didn’t quite hit the mark.
You may be very down on yourself and not quite ready to jump into this new year.
I’ve been there. I know how you feel!
Before you beat yourself up too bad, I have just what you need for a pick me up.
Get my free printable Keep Going Quote. This gorgeous printable is just the thing you need when you feel like you are never going to achieve your goals and are ready to throw in the towel.
It’s perfect to print out and hang on your fridge, or you can fame it and hang it on your wall. Lucky for you, this exclusive printable is yours now by signing up below.
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What Type Of Person Are You?
Before you can understand the real reason why you don’t achieve your goals, you will need to examine what type of person you are. I can speak from experience and tell you that I’m what you would call a high-achiever. Ok, let’s be real honest, I’m an over-achiever. Being an over-achiever means I’m also very hard on myself.
You too?
If you answered yes, you are not alone.
Be Proud Of Your Accomplishments
When you are trying to understand the real reason why you don’t achieve our goals, do you tend to look backwards at all that you have not done, instead of being proud of all that you have accomplished?
I do. All the time.
I have the hardest time being proud of my accomplishments, because I always feel like they are not enough.
Why I Don’t Like To Make Goals
On January 1st, I woke up terrified, and was on the verge of tears all day. I had the most horrible feeling of dread about what this new year would bring. I realized this was because I didn’t meet my goals last year.
I’ll be totally honest – I’m scared that I won’t meet my goals this year either.
Which makes me not even want to make a list of goals for this year, just so I don’t feel bad that I don’t reach them.
Can you relate?

If You Aim At Nothing, You Will Gain Nothing
As the week continued on I realized a few things. I’m a wimp – but I already knew that. But also, if I aim at nothing, I will reach it every time. Ouch!
Truth hurts huh?!
If you aim at nothing, you will reach it every time.”
– Zig Ziglar
Which is exactly what I’ve been doing for the last couple years. I’m so scared to fail, that I never really win. Or I get caught in comparing myself to someone else. I forget that they might be farther along in their journey. It’s always nice to have a printable reminder to just Keep Going!
A Challenge For You
If you don’t like making goals because you don’t want to fail – you have already failed.
I have a challenge for you. Step out. Make some goals. Write them down. I dare you to share them. Then aim for them.
You are a winner in my book for even attempting to do these things. Because, they are hard!
Write Down Your Goals and Commit
It’s hard to make a list of goals. To think about what you want in life and to write them down. I know doing this might be challenging for you – I know it is for me.
Because, once I write them down, I’m committed.
Sometimes that scares me to death! Thankfully, it’s a healthy fear that you must conquer. Even if you don’t reach your goals entirely, you have already won for trying.
If you don’t make any goals and try for them, then you will never really accomplish anything either.
Keep in mind, your goals don’t have to life changing or save the world. They can be as big or as small as you want them to be. The big key, is they are YOUR goals. Think about what you really want, commit to work, and then go achieve them!
My Goals For This Year
One thing I know for sure, if I’m going to tell you to do something, I better be willing to do it too, so I’ll go first and share my goals with you.
Katrina’s Goals:
- Run 775 miles with my dog.
- Stop drinking coffee at night.
- Go to bed no later than 10pm Monday – Friday.
- Do not eat snacks after dinner.
- Run or workout at least 5 days a week.
- Make $1000/month on my blog.
- Save enough money to go to England.
- Start a Facebook group for Frugal Fun Mom.
- Sell my first product on Frugal Fun Mom.
There you have it. As you can see, some are much bigger than others. Some are health related, some are work related, some are personal. You will also note that none of my goals will save the world.
So, what about you? What are your goals for this year?
Has this week been hard for you too?

Do you struggle to make goals and actually write them down? Why do think you struggle with this?
Think about your goals. I’d love for you to share your goals with me – either comment below, or send me an email to Katrina@FrugalFunMom.com.
Before You Go
Don’t forget to download your free printable Keep Going quote to keep you motivated all year long with your goals, especially when you are ready to throw in towel! Sign up below now!
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